Star Wards Chapter 2

Friday, October 2, 2020

Q-tip up the nose

Welp, the news on the street is that a cast member from my recent costume work, tested positive for COVID-19, thus spreading it around to other cast and crew members. Four others were confirmed, with 2 more positives the following day. The news inspired me to go get tested. I went to an Urgent Care and had the nurse stick q-tips up my nose. I waited for a few days to get a negative result. I'm not out of the 14 days yet, but the initial test was negative.  I never went without a mask while in the theatre and made a big stink about people wearing masks when I worked with them. It was kinda an eye roll moment for the cast members, but they obliged...a big announcement was made about wearing a mask in front of me. It was kinda embarrassing at the moment, but I'm glad now that I raised a big stink about it. I'll go back to be retested next week. Sheesh people, put on the damn mask!

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