Star Wards Chapter 2

Saturday, December 22, 2012

phone photos

I recently downloaded all the pictures from my phone. Not all of them are great quality, but there is a story behind them. This year the Wardlings raked the front and back yard and played in those leaves for weeks. It was fun to rake, jump, and play. I was just happy that they had fun doing 'work.'
 Not the best quality photo, but this was my favorite munchkin costume that I have made to date. It turned out so well. The hat was my absolute favorite piece of the costume.
 Josh had a scout thing at the Colfax ward building and so we took the opportunity to go to the farmers market. I wish the market wasn't so far away, we'd go there more often.
 Penny made the A/B Honor Roll at school. I don't like that the school gives number grades in first grade, but she is doing well, so I can't complain too terribly.
 Jacob won an award for generosity this month. He is such a sweet kid!

He also had the coolest costume for Roman Day at school. It worked out perfectly that I work for a costume shop. I was planning on making him a costume and when Sis. D saw the fabric I was planning to use, she jumped up and grabbed this costume and altered it herself. We gave her the fabric that she loved so much and she made herself a skirt out of it. It was a win win for both parties.
 I quickly threw together this toga for a friend from church, who participated in the same Roman day celebration.
 With Christmas upon us, I have been known to search the toy aisles. I saw this one day and was disturbed. Does Barbie look like a cougar to anyone else but me? She has the 80's Dynasty hair and Ken looks like he just shaved for the first time.
 Jacob has been a bit sick this school year. He has already had Croup and Pneumonia. Sis. D is awesome and has allowed me to bring in the wardlings who are sick, so that I can still work. I think that Jacob had a good day off from school.
 Here my boys are pleased with their piles of leaves.
I caught Penny being a great mother to her Bitty Baby, Lucy (or Lizzie) it changes from play time to play time. 

Josh went on a hike with the 11 year old scouts this summer. I didn't take this photo but I was grateful to receive it. Josh loves scouts!
 Josh did indeed need to wear a second cast. This was the day that it came off.
 Libby has a good friend, named Erin. Erin and Erin were showing off their walking in heels skills. It was funny. I should've video'd their walk. This was also the day of the Emerald City's parade and the day that the battery died in the Beetle and Clyde had to rescue us.
 We watched my nephew one night so that my sister and her hubby could have a night away. He was such a good sport! My favorite part of watching babies is seeing them go home. I love babies and loving on them, but I think that I am too old to have them again. I am spoiled now that my babies can do things for themselves and communicate without screaming all day long. I like that!

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